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Ariel Sanchez MTZ vs IND: 3.0 de 5.0 basado en 1 votos en 1 comentarios.

1 de octubre de 2015 a las 12:29 PM CDT
about learning from our miaeksts, about how wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from doing things over and over again until one has become skilled and knowledgeable in a given area. This process implies making lots of miaeksts. It also implies attaining a certain level of perfection. But I like the way Melanie has taken the mistake and made it the foundation of a creative process. Taking this a bit further, one can say that learning from and working with our miaeksts cultivates an open mind. Instead of always looking for ways to “fix a problem,†by searching for ways to use the miaeksts as Melanie does so beautifully and creatively, one develops tolerance for and open mindedness to other ideas (and, really, to others). Teaching our children to look carefully and creatively at miaeksts is perhaps one of the most important gifts we can give them. Thank you Melanie for your thoughtful work in this area!

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