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El Yuli: 1.5 de 5.0 basado en 2 votos en 2 comentarios.
Deja tu comentarioMundotiya
10 de agosto de 2014 a las 08:20 PM CDT
“Neve Daniel was established on July 18, 1982 on the site of the Cohen Farm. The Cohen Farm was fouendd on September 6, 1935, on lands purchased from the nearby village of al-Khadr that were transferred to the Jewish National Fund in 1943. let’s not pretend that there aren’t two sides to some West Bank stories. So, if the heirs of opium trader David Sassoon donate Hong Kong to the JNF will Israel redeem their property too? President Carter gave the Panama Canal Zone back to the Panamanian people. So, he ought to be able to imagine the same thing happening with the Etzion Block. FYI, nothing prevents a successor State from nationalizing the captured property of a friendly or enemy-owned State agency or parastatal instrumentality, like the JNF, located in its territory. If the property in question had remained in private hands, then you might have had a good point. Unfortunately, we all know that the JNF acquired land in order to establish blocks of watchtower and stockade and blockhouse-style forts along skirmish or confrontation lines in an unsuccessful attempt to define the expanded borders of a future Jewish State. Lines of its colonies were located to the north of Jerusalem or south of Jerusalem, between Bethlehem and Hebron, in territory that was explicitly allocated by the UN to the Arab State. The Arab Legion was part of the 100,000-man British force stationed in Palestine. The Legion had permanent garrisons in Rafah and Gaza. Prior to the termination of the mandate, those units were ordered to withdraw to Transjordan with stores of arms and ammunition drawn from the warehouses in the Suez Canal Zone. The convoy route ran through Beersheba, Hebron, Jerusalem, and on to Amman. The Jewish colonies like Nebi Yacob in the north and Kafr Etzion in the south frequently attacked and held up traffic on the roads, and the Legion's convoy was no exception. Segev, Shlaim, and other historians document the fact that when Major General Bernard Montgomery had come to Palestine to put down the Arab revolt, the British forces were given standing orders on how to handle rebels: kill them. The tactics and policies of Montgomery and Wingate were definitely retained in the post-war era. So, the reports that the Legion summarily executed the Jewish fighters are credible. The Legion blamed the Kafr Etzion massacre on outraged local Arab inhabitants who supposedly took the law into their own hands after the Legion had departed.Israel has never lifted a finger to restore the that Ben Gurion sold to the JNF. In fact, the State of Israel conveniently recognizes claims to land or property allegedly owned by Jewish individuals or associations in East Jerusalem prior to 1948, while denying equivalent rights to Israeli Arabs and Palestinian refugees owning land or property in areas that are now in Israel. See the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) report . Israel employed Mongomery's old tactics against returning refugees on Nakba Day and the Six Day War anniversary. While the government claimed snipers were aiming at the refugees legs, that story is simply not credible. There was no justification for the use of deadly force against those unarmed civilians.
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1 de octubre de 2015 a las 10:33 AM CDT
Gellian ~ how about you educate yeulsorf about who is really doing the killing in Israel and Palestine, and then spread that information to the white power elite circles in which you oscillate? Getting your knickers in a twist about a word like intifadah' makes it seems to be that you're still only hovering on the surface of knowledge about the issue. Get your hands dirty.On suicide bombing: during the decade and a half during which Palestinians employed suicide bombing , not including the perpetrators. Strangely enough, a few months ago the total in that table that I linked to was 768 and though no-one has been killed for years by a suicide bombing in Israel or Palestine suddenly ~40 extra deaths have been added. I guess it must be those unemployed bum settlers who took the course in wikipedia editing Anyway my point is comparatively not that many people died from Palestinian suicide bombing if you look at how many people Israel killed in Gaza in 2008/09 or Lebanon in 2006 or in Gaza between 2005 and 2008. I draw no distinction between bombing civilians from the safety of a fighter jet or drone control room, and bombing civilians with a semtex vest. They're both wrong, and they both deserve to be condemned.In the ten years since the second intifadah commenced Israel has killed four times as many Palestinians as vice versa and Israel has killed ten times as many Palestinian children as vice versa. What is it about zionists and killing Palestinian children? More than ten times is statistically significant, yes?Israeli security forces killed 6371 Palestinians, of whom 1317 were minors. Palestinians killed 1083 Israelis in Israel and the Occupied Territories. 741 of the fatalities were civilians, of whom 124 were minors Can you see why you complaining about a word like intifadah seems somewhat a storm in a teacup? Why not take it as an opportunity to inject some factual content and demonstrate the falsity of the hasbara?
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